About Me

Welcome to my Blog!

I am just a student trying to get by. My family has several cases of crohn's disease, so it shouldn't have been such a shock when I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis this year. It was.

After several months of pain and denial, I finally went to find help. I was prescribed terrible medications and felt awful. Thankfully my mother and sister have had experience with digestive conditions and offered help and guidance with nutrition.

I found Elaine Gottshal's book: Breaking the Vicious Cycle from my chiropractor. He had met her, and told me of several patients he had who have found relief with this book. I dove right in.

This Diet has no grains, no sugars or starches. This is really scary for anyone who loves potatoes and pasta (me). So after a month of pretending I felt better, I took the book for a spin- and haven't looked back.

The recipes out there will satisfy you- and make you feel energized. Food does not have to be your enemy- in fact, once you take charge and responsibility of your diet- you will realize how much freedom you have with it. Your health is in your hands- and your gut!

There are many blogs, recipe books and friends on the internet in the same boat. Let's make sure we all have access to yummy recipes and the vital information we need.

I hope this information helps you as much as it has helped me!
