Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spaghetti Squash Casserole

I find that cooked tomatoes bother me (due to high acidity levels) so typical spaghetti squash recipes are missed for me on this diet (sometimes, all I want is some tomato sauce! c'est la vie! planning on trying a uncooked tomato sauce recipe soon)

Here is a meal I concocted last night while cleaning out the fridge- I hope you enjoy!

Spaghetti Squash Casserole


- One spaghetti squash
- ½ cup almond flour
- ¾ cup yogurt
- 1 egg
- Salt and pepper
- Thyme, rosemary, basil and parsley
- Garlic and onion (fresh or powder)
- 1 Zucchini
- 1/2 cup spinach
- ¼ cup Dry Curd Cottage Cheese
- ¼ cup feta cheese
- Parmesan cheese to taste
- ¼ cup grated cheddar cheese
- Olive oil


1. Cut spaghetti squash in half and remove seeds. Place on baking tray and bake in oven for 30 minutes @ 350f.
2. In a saucepan, heat olive oil, spices and onion over medium heat.
3. Add veggies, DCCC, and feta. Saute until tender.
4. In a seperate bowl, mix yogurt and egg together. Pour over veggie mix and combine.
5. Remove squash from oven. Let cool 5 minutes and remove spaghetti from squash with a fork. Add to veggie mixture and combine.
6. Place in casserole dish.
7. Put almond flour, parmesan and cheddar cheese overtop of casserole.
8. Bake for 20 minutes @ 350f.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Do you love bread- but bread doesn't love you?

No worries! Try this delicious 'white style' bread made with almond flour!

This is the first baking I've done with jkgourmet Almond Flour- I have to say- delicious! the flour is finely ground- giving your baking a less coarse- more flour-like texture- you won't miss wheat anymore!

I use a silicon loaf pan- this makes the bread pop right out!

"White" Bread


- 2 1/2 cup almond flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- dash of vanilla
- 1 cup homemade yogurt
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 3 eggs (seperated)
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar


Preheat oven to 350f.

1. In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients together.
2. Add egg yolks, vanilla and yogurt- mix lightly.
3. In a separate bowl, mix egg whites until they make peaks.
4. add vinegar to egg whites.
5. Pour over batter- lightly fold until white streaks disappear.
6. place in silicon loaf pan. (If using a metal pan, grease first).
7. Bake 40 minutes or until golden brown. If the loaf gets too dark before it's finished, cover with foil and continue baking.

great for toasting, sandwiches and more! yum! :D

Living with SCD in social gatherings

I grew up with many allergies- I'm talking about having a list of things I COULD eat, not what I couldn't. Nothing was worse than when I finally got it down to only having a few allergies to worry about (peanuts, crab and raw egg) I was told: "Hey guess what? now you can't have grains, starches or sugars!"

I know that eating out while on SCD can be difficult- going to BBQs or social gatherings without being prepared with a snack pack in your purse can make even the most faithful SCDer lean in the wrong direction (and believe me, you may pay for it later!)

For me, I have a hard time saying "NO" without feeling like I'm imposing or being rude. Sure, close friends and family will know about your allergies/dietary needs- but at a work/social event where you don't know them too well, it can get unnerving telling your story to every person trying to feed you. You never want to seem rude and picky while asking: "Sorry- what's in that?"

So- with that being said- it is best to prepare for these situations:

1) Always have a water bottle.
I love my glass water bottle- this should be on everyone's going out list- but very important for allergy/SCDers. I take it with me everywhere and at group functions you will have less awkward conversations about why you are not having any of the wine or punch. (or worse yet- someone keeps handing you some!) Drinks can be the worst because we forget that there can be grains (beer) starches and sugars (coolers, punch, juice etc) because it isn't food. Water is always the safest and best option.

2) Bring a trail mix or snack in your purse/bag.
I don't know how many times I've been at an impromtu party/social event staring at the food in envious dismay. Sometimes you just sit by the food so you can live vicariously through the snackers around you. This can be dangerous- the "One little bite can't hurt me" fairy pops into your mind and poof! there you go cheating again!

Stop that fairy before its too late! bring a snack or better yet (at a dinner function) your own plate. Look for vegetable/fruit trays if you have to munch- be careful with fruit in case it is covered in sugars without your knowledge (fruit salads, etc.)

3) Inform Others
This is the hardest part for me. I always tell myself (incorrectly) that it's rude or imposing to bother your host about your allergies. Nobody wants someone to go out of their way to scramble in their kitchen for something you can eat. If you know this person (family, friend, co-worker) before the event- let them know about your diet. This doesn't mean they have to change the whole menu or even make anything specially for you: This gesture will be greatly appreciated and will stop unnecessary confusion during the social gathering. If a host knows you are bringing your own food or actual medical reasons, they will not be insulted you did not try their grandmother's pudding recipe (I can not speak for gramma though!)

If you do not know the host personally (ie: your mate's boss/co-worker etc.) Ask for them to speak to the host on your behalf. If you cannot discuss this with them prior to the function, you are going to have to politely tell them about your allergies/diet.

4) Don't be ashamed of your diet
This is the number one thing!

You are feeling healthier, livelier and eating healthy delicious foods- just because you may have to discuss your diet with others doesn't have to be a negative thing- in fact, they may know someone who would benefit from this diet! (including themselves!) Think about when you first learnt about SCD- how wonderful would it be to spread the word to others to help them? so walk tall and stand proud of your diet!

Herb and Garlic Crackers

Herb and Garlic Crackers!


Sometimes you forget you can't have basic snacks before its too late.

Last week, I made some delicious brie with melted strawberries on top in the oven (superb!) HOWEVER- as I sat to dig in, I realized I was forgetting a crucial part: crackers! tortilla chips! toasted naan bread! oh no!

This certainly did not stop me from eating my brie (I toasted some leftover bread pieces) however it made me determined to find a recipe for SCD safe crackers.

This is an adapted version from Everyday Grain-Free Gourmet by Jodi Bager and Jenny Lass. I should also mention if you are looking for delicious snacks (granola and granola bars) AND a source of delicious PEANUT-FREE almond flour- check out Jodi Bager's website: jkgourmet
I just received my very first order from this wonderful website- results- delicious! more baking and taste testing tomorrow! :D

They are so ingenious- you use an empty paper towel roll to make the shape of the crackers- this is reminiscent to frozen/refrigerated pastry dough you get at supermarkets (where you cut slices from the log to cook cookies, etc).

- mixing bowl
- plastic wrap
- empty paper towel roll
- silicon baking sheet/baking sheet
* note: I baked on one silicon baking sheet and one regular metal baking sheet- the silicon ones popped right out- regular baking tray got crumbly for some of the crackers!

Herb and Garlic Crackers

- 3 tblsp butter (room temp)
- 1 cup cheddar cheese grated (about 250g)
- 1 1/4 cups almond flour
- 1/4 cup ground flax seed*
- 1/8 cup sunflower seeds
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- pinch of thyme, parsley, basil, italian seasoning and oregano

*note: if seeds bother you, omit the flax seeds and sunflower seeds.

1. Mix all ingredients together in a medium sized bowl.
2. roll dough into a log approx 1 inch round (or to size of paper towel roll)
3. wrap dough in plastic wrap.
4. place dough inside paper towel roll. Put hands on both ends of paper towel roll and shake! (expands dough to size of paper towel roll )
5. freeze for 2 hours or overnight
6. Pre-heat oven at 325f. Take dough out of freezer and let dethaw for 10 minutes.
7. take a bit of the dough out of roll and remove plastic wrap.
8. With a sharp knife, slice crackers 3mm approx depending on how thick you'd like them.
9. Place on silicon baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

cool and serve- or store in airtight container! delicious with SCD cream cheese, cheese slices, veggies, BRIE and more! yum! :D

Saturday, May 21, 2011

mmm cheesecake!

Who said you can't indulge on a special diet?

This recipe is adapted from the Intro Diet on the Breaking the Vicious Cycle website.


- 1 cup almond flour
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1/4 cup melted butter

1. mix together in bottom of loaf pan or muffin trays. Pat down with fork, set aside.

Cheesecake filling:

- 1 egg
- 3/4 cup homemade cream cheese (strain homemade yogurt in cheesecloth or coffee filter for 4-6 hours- recipe found here.
- pinch cinnamon
- 1/4 cup honey
- splash of pure vanilla

1. Mix all ingredients in bowl. Pour overtop of bottom.
2. Preheat oven at 325F. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
3. Let cool. Refrigerate overnight for best results.

- frozen raspberries (no sugars added)
- 1/4 cup honey

1. while cheesecake is baking, place frozen raspberries in a saucepan over med heat. Keep stirring until it almost reaches a boil. Add honey. Let cool overnight.
2. Pour over cheesecake and serve.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Homemade Yogurt Recipe

Hi everyone! I have had a few friends ask for my yogurt recipe- This is a revised version from the Breaking the Vicious Cycle Introductory Diet by Elaine Gottshal. I make my yogurt without a yogurt maker. All you need are the following:

- Large stove pot
- Thermometer (I use a milk thermometer- candy works too)
- Slow cooker (i use this as an incubator)
- small container (for starter)

- Whole milk (any type of milk works- almond, rice, soy, goats or cow- please see note* for information on alternative milks)
- Commercial yogurt (you need 1 scoop/litre of milk)

*NOTE: You can use any type of milk, just make sure your starter is the same (ie: soy milk with soy yogurt). If you do NOT have a starter available, you may use probiotics instead.
**NOTE: You can make as much yogurt as you need- I make two bags (3L) each batch.


1. Put milk into stove pot. Heat at LOW-MED until it reaches 180-200f. (NOTE: alternative milks must be stopped at 180f or else it may burn) check temp with thermometer. Stir to ensure milk does not burn to bottom.

2. Once milk reaches desired temp, place in sink filled with ice water. Let cool to 100f.

3. While milk cools, take 1-2 scoops of starter commercial yogurt (or probiotic) in small container. Let this reach room temperature.

4. Once milk cools, pour into slow cooker- take a scoop of milk and add to your starter- mix and then pour into milk. Place lid and thermometer to ensure temp stays between 90-110f*.

5. Let sit for at least 24 hours. This is required to ensure the proper amount of good bacteria.

NOTE: DO NOT TURN ON YOUR SLOW COOKER- I use it only for incubating and ensuring temp does not fall down- as the temperature reaches 95f, turn slow cooker on for 5-10 minutes on LOW- then turn it off. DO NOT LEAVE SLOW COOKER ON- yogurt will curdle and kill all of the essential good bacteria.

6. After 24 hours- place slow cooker pot into fridge and refrigerate for 5-6 hours.

and voila! delicious, homemade yogurt- this sounds time consuming- but it really isn't- and you save A TON of money from purchasing commercial yogurt.

Photos to come :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Baked Acorn Squash

With SCD, you have to get creative with fibre and carbs- and one of the best ways is squash!

This is a recipe I've revised from Eat Well Feel Well by Kendall Conrad. This is an essential book for recipes for SCD diets- definitely check it out!

Roasted Acorn Squash

acorn squash (cut into 1/2s)
olive oil
2 cubes butter
dash nutmeg
dash cinnamon
honey to taste
dash basil
Parmesan cheese*
orange zest

1. Preheat oven to 350f.
2. Cut squash in 1/2. Place on baking tray.
3. rub flesh with olive oil. Place one cube of butter in each 1/2. Sprinkle spices, orange zest and cheese on top. Drizzle with honey.
4. Place in oven for 40-45 minutes until tender.

*NOTE: Use Parmesan cheese at your discretion. Only you know your body and what triggers your symptoms. Please refer to the legal/illegal list of foods on this diet.

Carrot Muffins!

mmm muffins!

I've been craving carrot muffins with cream cheese icing ALL WEEK- and have been dreaming of ways to make icing with the SCD stamp of approval! This is what I concocted- and let me tell you- DELICIOUS! :D

Cream Cheese Icing:

1/2 cup homemade yogurt (strained in coffee filter for 3-6 hours)
dash of natural vanilla
1 teaspoon honey

1. Mix together and refrigerate.
NOTE: I like to make my yogurt with 1/2 whole milk 1/2 Half and Half. I find the cream cheese is optimal this way with a whipped topping consistency.

Carrot Muffins:

Dry Ingredients
2 cups almond flour (I used Bob's Red Mill- good for breads and muffins- hearty loaves)
1 teaspoon baking soda
dash of sea salt
dash nutmeg
dash cinnamon
dash ginger

Wet Ingredients
1/2 cup homemade yogurt
1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
2 eggs separated
dash natural vanilla
3/4 cup organic carrots (shredded)

How to Prepare:
1. Place dry ingredients in bowl- sift if possible. If not, I like to 'fluff' ingredients together by flipping it in bowl.

2. In separate bowl, mix eggs yolks, vanilla and yogurt together.

3. Add wet to dry ingredients. Fold in carrots.

4. Whisk egg whites until soft peaks form. Pour over batter and gently fold until white streaks disappear.

Place in muffin trays (I use silicon muffin cups) grease if you do not use liners.
Bake in preheated oven at 325 for 25 minutes- or until toothpick is clean.

Cool and top with icing.


As requested, I have put up a blog with new recipes I've adapted for SCD (specific carbohydrate diet). For more information concerning what SCD is and who it is good for, please refer to the following links:

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Official Website

SCD Recipe

The SCD Diet can help if you are suffering with Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Diesase, IBS, IBD, Autism, and other gastreointestinal linked disorders.

I was introduced to Elaine Gottschal's book: Breaking the Vicious Cycle roughly 2 months ago and I decided to create this blog to share recipes and information with others who are in the same boat. I hope this helps you and your family as much as it has mine.